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Mission: Missing Item










Help show your child that he or she is not alone by helping them find the missing item. Take some of the pressure off by turning it into a game.


Help show your child that he or she is not alone by helping them find the missing item. Take some of the pressure off by turning it into a game. Your joint mission: Find it fast, together, and while having fun. You’re searching for the missing treasure. Who will find it first? After the treasured item is found — or even if it remains elusive — share with your child that we all have a very special hiding place, too. We can talk to Jesus at any time, anywhere, and about anything. Share that you are a safe place for him or her, too. But also explain that if he or she (or someone else) is being hurt, that you do have to share that information with others. Explain that part of being a safe place also means not allowing hurt to continue. But if they’re too scared or worried to share with you, remind him or her that they can always talk to Jesus. He is a safe hiding place for all their thoughts, worries, and fears.

After completing this activity, read through the following verse and prayer with your child.


For you are my hiding place …

Psalm 32:7 (NLT)


Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for giving us something we can never lose — Your great love! Help us to remember that You offer us peace that is stronger than any emotion or feeling we struggle with.
In Jesus’ name, amen.

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