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Angie Grant

Angie Grant’s greatest joys are her family. She is Mom to 4 children and Lolli to 4 grandbabies.

She has a Child and Family Studies degree and is currently on staff at Cloverhill Church, where she and her husband have led for the past 26 years. She serves as the Executive Director of Cloverhill Christian Academy, located in Midlothian, Virginia. She advocates for foster kids and families as an Advocate for The Forgotten Initiative and a Cultivate Connection Facilitator in her community and beyond. She serves on the Families First Board and the Chesterfield County- Colonial Heights Department of Social Services Board.

She finds great joy in sharing practical tools that promote healing. As a foster and adoptive parent, she understands the daily challenges that families face. She shares her experiences firsthand with the desire to bring hope and encouragement to families serving vulnerable kids.

Contributions by Angie Grant

A couple sits down with a worker at a local foster care agency, listening and understanding how to help support that agency.

How To Partner With Your Local Foster Care Agency

Learning the TBRI in the Classroom Correction Principles can help you to successfully teach and care for your students.

TBRI in the Classroom: Correcting Principles

A teacher leans over a desk where children are painting, using TBRI connection principles to create connection with her students in the classroom each day.

TBRI in the Classroom: Connecting Principles

So You Think You Want to Become a Foster Parent

How Self-Reflection Can Move Your Family Forward
