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How To Partner With Your Local Foster Care Agency

A couple sits down with a worker at a local foster care agency, listening and understanding how to help support that agency.

Many people are willing and want to help their local foster care agency but need help figuring out where to start! 

I’ll start with my story:

When I first became a foster parent, I realized for the first time the great need to partner with agency workers. They are some of the hardest-working people I have ever met. There are volunteers, and then there are volunteers!

Start by Listening to the Workers in Your Local Foster Care Agency

When you say yes to partnering with your local agency, you should start by listening. Ask questions like:

  • “What things would make your job easier?”
  • “What is your most significant pain point?”
  • “In a perfect world, What might an ideal day look like for you?”
  • “What drew you to become a social worker?”

These questions alone cause that leader to practice the pause, reflect, and feel heard and seen. I learned quickly that the longevity of a partnership was a non-negotiable. People in most communities typically do an in-and-out project, usually surrounding the holidays, leaving the remaining 10 months volunteer-less. Social Workers need us throughout the year.

Once relationships are established, needs are both learned and met. You see, I believe the church should always do community work. It’s a privilege and honor. The proverb that has become my mantra is Proverbs 24:12: “Once our eyes were opened, we can’t pretend we don’t know what to doGod who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know and holds us responsible to act.” The impact of a long-term partnership is immense, and it’s a commitment for which we should all feel responsible.  We cannot unsee what we’ve seen!

“Once our eyes were opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do—God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know and holds us responsible to act.”

3 Ways to Support Your Local Foster Care Agency

There are three things I believe we can stay on mission with to give a local foster care agency our “best.” 

1. Serve

Could you help them to see you are here to serve? Could you help them to see beyond tangible items? I want to be known for more than just the transactional items, such as handing out gift cards, care packages, or meals—although those are all good things. By ‘transactional items, ‘I mean the material or immediate needs.

The relational needs that come with an agency are far more transformational. By meeting these needs, you’re not just providing support; you’re changing lives. Be a people mobilizer! Recruit people you know would make great foster parents and recruit prayer partners for department needs. Recruit people to write encouraging notes and have a space for those when workers need a pick-me-up! Provide wrap-around support for struggling foster families. These are all beautiful ways to support and become a world changer. Your county will thank you!

Meeting a foster care agency's relational needs doesn't just provide support - it changes lives!

2. Stay

Let’s choose not to be available or see only during the holidays! Let’s be year-round volunteers because the work never stops! Be practical by providing morale-boosting gifts, snacks, or other practical support. This kind of support is not just helpful; it’s crucial in the day-to-day operations of a foster care agency.

Another way to “stay” is to set up a time for a weekly call to pray with the supervisor or director of an agency. An ongoing opportunity to lift personal and departmental needs is an excellent way to support and say you care. Taking on yearly happenings allows the department not to worry or stress year after year—they learn that you are already ahead of them and that events, happenings, and support are a phone call away. Establishing a monthly check-in with the department ensures that a rhythm of volunteerism and support happens.

Happenings to include in a yearly rhythm could be setting up and managing a visitation room with toys and activities for families to enjoy, a stocked snack cart, ice cream in the staff lounge freezer, and a coffee bar. The list goes on and on.

3. Step Into the Story

Listen to the hardships, and be empathetic and personal. Due to the nature of the work, so many hold a lot inside. Be someone who asks the right questions and helps pull out greatness in the work they put their hands to. So much of this work is thankless and unseen. Truly choose to see them and their work.

A practical way to do this is to create small cards with encouraging words to ensure you see them. Ask them about the most challenging moments and how they overcame hard days. There are countless ways and opportunities to remind them to take care of themselves—that could mean a walk outside at lunchtime or a few deep breaths before a big meeting. It could mean purchasing a small devotional to encourage them in their journey. God uses people and desires to use us in people’s stories. It could also be a family story that He is calling you to step into. Maybe as a parent coach or assisting a family that could use a break. These seemingly small tokens are BIG in someone else’s world. 

By Serving, Staying, and Stepping into someone’s story, we can become people of purpose and help change our world. Let’s become others-focused rather than our culture, which says to look out for ourselves. There is a saying thrown out a lot that says, “Not everyone can foster, but everyone can do something.” There are so many things to step into in foster care. What will your something be?

Not everyone can foster, but everyone can do something to help their local foster care agency. What will your something be?

©2025 Angie Grant. Used with Permission.


Jenn Hook, Founder of Replanted

Encouragement from Jenn Hook

So You Think You Want to Become a Foster Parent

Help even when they don’t ask.

Kids (and families) need help, even when they don’t reach out. Wherever God is calling you, you can get involved.

Father and son play basketball