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Learn / Family Allies

Extended family has a whole new meaning.

Your presence in the life of a foster or adoptive family is powerful. The more you learn, the more you can encourage.
What if that pier full of people engaged?

What Can You Do to Serve?

Sometimes, foster care and adoption can feel like you are standing on a pier, looking out into a vast ocean. Learn how to support those who are diving into the waters of foster care and adoption.
A group discussion around a table with Bibles and coffee mugs

Fostering Hope: How Churches Can Engage in Foster Care

Fostering Hope is a set of free resources for the Church to support foster families, children in care,…

How to Start a Foster/Adoptive Family Ministry

So many churches start a family ministry but have no plan at all, just a passionate response. They…
Foster family chats with a family friend.

Being the Church: Four Keys to Supporting Adoptive and Foster Families

Friends, family and fellow church community members have an opportunity to play a role in an issue we…

When does a person become an ally?

We like to call it the Threshold Step. You decide to move past donations and distant support.

You choose to commit to an individual family’s care — and maybe even cross the threshold of their home to provide respite care.

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Looking for other ways to get involved?

There are plenty of ways to serve, whether you’re a church group or a small business or simply want to give.
Young girl in foster care